Solar Panels
By using solar heat you show respect for the environment. A completely different way of heating. Much more comfortable and stable, always the desired temperature.
Solar Panels
Buying solar panels is a smart choice. They make money and are good for the environment. In addition, you are less dependent on your energy company. And let’s be honest… it makes you feel good! You contribute to a better environment in a smart way. Ultimately, buying solar panels is a smart choice.
With solar panels you save on your energy bill from day one by using your own energy.
There are many types of solar panels that differ greatly in size and color. Each type of solar panel has specific characteristics that make it the right panel for a roof. Curious? Feel free to ask us about all the options.
- Solar panels generate money
- With quality you achieve more returns
- Generate your own power
- Good for the environment
- The sun and wind are eternal energy sources that are always available
- Solar panels on the roof are a wise choice
- The sun provides energy in the form of heat and light
- Solar panels convert this light into electricity
Black solar panels, the so-called monocrystalline solar panels, are mainly placed on sloping roofs. Today, mainly black solar panels with so-called “white contact lines” are installed on flat roofs. The difference between blue or black solar panels used to be the higher efficiency of blue solar panels. Energievanzelf advises to buy black solar panels on sloping, visible roofs. Today, black solar panels also have a high efficiency.
Quotation request
Are you looking for innovation for your campsite? As a supplier of glamping tents, we always look at the end user’s need to produce a perfect end product during the construction of the tents. Use our quotation form to buy a tent. TentsXL is happy to help you with the development. We will contact you at all times to discuss your wishes.